The date: January 2007. The children: Skyla, age 15; Nat, age 13; Hannah, age 12; Opal, age 5. Yes, we know that Opal is still young enough, but what about the others? Well, I guess they are still young enough, as are their parents and grandparents!
The early part of this trip included my parents, then my mother-in-law joined us for the rest of the trip.
This trip had lots of laughs! My dad got kissed by the crazy lady at Disney’s Hollywood Studios! The children loved it! My dad wore it proudly, too! You can see Nat in the picture as he is taking a picture of his grandpa’s cheek.
Grandpa wasn’t the only man there who was kissed. Each kiss was a real show!
Now that the children are older, we weren’t always together. Some of the rides Opal was too short to ride, and sometimes the others didn’t want to ride on a particular ride, but wanted to do something else. So, you’ll notice that we don’t always have all the children in a picture.

Opal and Aurora.

There’s Grandma Soles flying in Dumbo with Nat (I know you can’t see him, but he’s there).
And here’s Wayne and Opal.
And here are Skyla and Hannah behind them.

Nat, Opal, and Hannah have been eaten!

Opal, Chip, and Dale!

Here’s Hannah on the Tomorrowland Speedway.
And Nat.
And Wayne and Opal. Yes, it was still a favorite. And now that the older children were old enough to drive their own car, they did!

So have Skyla and Wayne!