Do you care if you lose the entire cost of your trip (or if you’re lucky just the deposit) because something comes up? What about if your trip is delayed and you have extra costs for hotel, meals, or even meeting your group in a different location? What if your luggage is lost and you have to buy all new clothes? What if you are outside the country and you have a medical emergency (most medical insurance does not cover you abroad)? What if something happens back home and you have to return early?
Hopefully none of this will ever happen to you, but there are no guarantees.
No, you don’t “have” to have Travel Insurance, but if the unforeseen happens, you’ll be able to recoup your expenses.
Also, be sure you understand the travel protection you are purchasing. Some vendors have their own protection, but it may not be insurance. It may just give you a credit to use with them again, and NOT get your money back.
If you have any questions about Travel Insurance, let us know and we’ll get the answers to your questions.