While we went to Walt Disney World with a 2-year-old before, we never went with a baby. January 2002 was our first time doing that. Skyla was 10, Nat was 8, Hannah was 7, and Opal was 3 months old. This trip was a trip for my side of the family. My parents, my two sisters, Ammie and LuAnn, came with their families, and one of my brothers came. This meant there were 16 of us! My nephew Marc was a bored teenager the first night, when we ate at Chef Mickey’s, but he soon joined in on the fun when he saw everyone was acting in the Disney mood. He didn’t have to be embarrassed! My nephews Caleb and Matt were at a perfect age to join in the fun easily – aged 6 and 5.

There’s Opal on her first ride, the Walt Disney Railroad! My husband was holding her. My sister LuAnn is in front of Wayne.

By the way, the characters love babies! They all wanted to have their picture taken with Opal.

We celebrated my sister’s birthday while we were there. Ammie didn’t want a big fuss, but we wanted one, so…

The restaurant started to empty out, so the characters spent a lot of time with our group. They decided to sit down with the children.

Here’s my sister, LuAnn, her husband Eric, her sons Caleb (in the green) and Matt, on the Jungle Cruise.

We took a picture of my brother-in-law, Eric, taking a picture of us while we were getting ready for the magic carpet ride!

Here’s my brother, Glenn, with Tigger.

Here’s Opal with Uncle Glenn and Pooh.

Can you guess which country in Epcot this is?

Marc and Mickey are in the back.
In the front are Matt, Hannah, Caleb, Nat, and Skyla.

Opal did a lot of this!

Clockwise from the top left, Eric, Mickey, LuAnn, Caleb, and Matt.

Here’s Dale with Marc, Matt, Nat, and Hannah.
You can tell the difference between Chip and Dale by their noses. Chip has a dark chocolate “chip” colored nose.

Here are Wayne, holding Opal, my mother, my sister, Ammie, and my dad.

Our four children, Skyla, holding Opal, Nat, and Hannah.