Yes, there is some travel going on, but not much in the way of International Travel from the United States. Many countries are still not open, except for emergency travel. Other countries will allow you in if you quarantine for 14 days (so be sure you have a lot of vacation time for your trip). Some countries are closed to anyone coming from the United States, due to our COVID counts and fear that we will not follow their rules.
This has been difficult for some people who enjoy going out and about to visit other places.
Some places are still not open for you to even want to consider going there. Why go to just sit in a hotel room or to be able to just go one place?
While I am a homebody, I do like to visit other places from time to time. I’ve already had to miss conventions that were cancelled, a cruise that was cancelled, and I’m looking at missing out on some other conferences/conventions, in the future. They are at risk of being cancelled, too.
I’m ready to go someplace, almost anyplace! What about you?